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Friday, September 16, 2011

Surgery with smile

Life gets so busy sometimes that health issues can fall to the bottom of the priority list until you have several friends & families who yell at you to get it done.  So finally yesterday my husband had a minor surgery.   A couple of months ago he developed a bump under his eyelid and it is just not going away.  Doctor said it is very common and need a minor surgery.  I was little shaken, Oh surgery on eyelid!!.  If you are reading my blog for long, you know my husband - one cool person on earth.

Honestly as you can see he's smiling after surgery and in two days he will be back to regular work.  

Now, you may be wondering why do I have a picture of my husband when he is in pain.  Well, my sweet camera is always in my bag (my great friend) , and you can see my husband posing with smile.


  1. Oh...pl take care pd...get well soon!!! You guys take every situation in a positive spirit! Good going guys!

  2. I'm glad it was a success and he is almost back to normal. yay!

  3. Thank you ranju and michelle hun.He is doing good now


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