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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fancy Dress

For some reason, I'm thinking its already Saturday.  It is a long week with lot of work.  Only two more days for Christmas, its been busy working on the holiday orders and Christmas sale exhibition and son's fancy dress.

My son had fancy dress at his playschool.  The theme was animal or leave.  Aryan dressed up as Lion and he was super excited about the costume. 

He also learned to say " I'm the King of the Jungle".  I rented the costume, didnt have the time to prepare something for him.  I had to force him to take off the dress to give back.  He was so attached with the character.

It was nice to see all the kids having fun.


  1. He makes the world's cutest lion, Daffy! A total sweetie!

  2. thanks hun!very sweet of you.every kids in playschool were looking awesome.
    Merry christmas!!!


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